About Troulos Skiathos - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Troulos Skiathos recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Troulos Skiathos, Skiathos
Embraced by olive groves and attractive countryside, TROULOS is the most developed tourist area outside of Skiathos Town.
Troulos village lies a little way inland and holidaymakers should check out distances to Troulos beach when booking holiday apartments and studios.
Troulos village centre has a reasonable choice of supermarkets, bars and tavernas. For those who want a livelier night out, Skiathos Town is just 10 km away by bus to the east and the very popular Koukounaries beach is just five minutes to the west.
Troulos has a long, deep and very sandy beach. Troulos sands slope gently into the sea, so this is a good beach for families. There is a watersports school and also boat rental, a beach taverna, snack bar. A hotel restaurant sits right on the end of the beach close to the shore.
There are several smaller beaches around the Troulos beach headlands both east and west but they can be hard to reach on foot and visitors usually get to them by boat.
There is plenty of accommodation in Troulos and most of it tucked away in quiet areas among the trees. The Troulos area is known for its walks.
Troulos Skiathos | Embraced by olive groves and attractive countryside, TROULOS is the most developed tourist area outside of Skiathos Town.
Troulos village lies a little way inland and holidaymakers should check out distances to Troulos beach when booking holiday apartments and studios
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