About Samothraki - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Samothraki recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (7 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Samothraki, Samothraki Island
Samothraki is a Greek island located in the northern Aegean. With a length of 17 km and a total area of 178 square kilometers, Samotraki is a village in the Evros region, province of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The main occupations of the inhabitants are related to fishing and tourism.
Most of the island consists of the second highest mountain in the Aegean Sea, Mount Saos, with the highest peak Fegari (which means "moon" in Greek) of 1.611m. The mountain is full of wild vegetation, countless waterfalls and natural pools (vathres) not dry throughout the year. Trails are everywhere these places accessible for families, and for experienced climbers.
Samothraki island's natural attributes are dramatic and untamed sea. There are dense forests of olive and pine, shrubs and meadows while wet, dark pools where waterfalls plunge into the deep ice. Twisted streets are cobbled and the houses built of basalt and red sandstone, some other white gray stone. The landscape is thoughtfully.
There are a few beaches worth visiting. For example, there Pahia Ammos, on the south coast, a beautiful sandy beach, located between the two arms of rock that extend into the sea. Vatos Beach is a postcard-perfect, which can be reached only by boat. Is sandy, scenic, and is used mainly for naturists. Finally, Kipos Beach on the southeast coast, no facilities or shade, but is secluded and crystalline waters are ideal for snorkeling and diving. It is several kilometers long and gravel.
There are many good restaurants in Samothraki. First of all, there Klimataria Restaurant, at the eastern end of the road to the waterfront. This serves a nice place called gianiotiko unusual specialty: preparation of pork baked diced potatoes, eggs and other goods. Definitely try pastitsio.
I Synantisi is pretty good, too. It serves excellent fresh fish. Psistaria Pizzeria Skorpios on the other hand, serves homemade pizzas and grilled meats.
Restaurant Loutra Fengari in traditional ovens cook food in Samothraki. It is hidden on a back street.
There are three daily flights from Athens to Alexandroupolis. Then there are daily ferry crossing Alexandroupolis occasionally twice a day during the summer and at least two times per week from Kavala. There is also a hydrofoil in Alexandroupolis daily.
Duration is 2 hours and 10 minutes, and the ferry is very spacious lounge with sofas, coffee tables and chairs large comfortable (type of aircraft).
In the wintertime there is at least one line 6 days a week. From June to September are routes seven days a week (in July and August are two routes per day).
Prices for ferry: The discount / Regular Price
Economy - € 9.60 / € 14.50
Cars up to 4.25 m - € 40.80 / € 58.00
Vehicles exceeding 4.25 m - € 69.00
Motorcycles up to 250cc - € 8.10 / € 12.00
250cc Motorcycle higher - € 12.20 / € 17.50
Bus (price per meter) - € 8.90 / € 13.50
Samothraki | Samothraki is a magnificent destination in the northern corner of Greece with hidden treasures for unique travelers to explore.
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