About Megali Ammos Skiathos - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
This is a long and well-organized beach situated within a short walking distance of 2km from Skiathos Town. Megali Ammos is one of the most popular beaches in Skiathos due to the crystalline waters and the extended coast that gets really crowded, offering two rows of sundecks. Thus is a favorite spot of the locals due to its proximity from the town centre and of visitors who stay in the Town. There is a water sport center, offering training lessons for all ages. The area is known for its tourist infrastructure as there are many hotels and other kinds of accommodation. The sea is shallow, an ideal spot for families. For more privacy, walk around the rocks and head east way.
Megali Ammos Skiathos | This is a long and well-organized beach situated within a short walking distance of 2km from Skiathos Town. Megali Ammos is one of the most popular beaches in Skiathos due to the crystalline waters and the extended coast that gets really crowded, offering
two rows of sundecks
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