About Astris - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Astris recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (103 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Astris, Thassos Island
Not far from the village of Potos, Thassos in the south, a distance of 42 km from Limenas, is a small village called Astris. This village hides a picturesque beach water is always whirling due to strong currents which are meeting here. Therefore, we do not recommend this beach those traveling with small children, swimming and water sports enthusiasts but are more than inspired when choosing this destination. Frequency jet ski sites may disturbing to those seeking a quiet corner of the beach.
Nearby you will find several restaurants, one of which is located on the hill which guards the beach. Its name comes from the beautiful starry sky she charmed the locals when they gathered for picking olives. The beach is an ideal base for fishing, they are located in front of Panagia islet.
Astris | Astris Beach is situated in the south east of the island near the village Potos. Although it is covered with sand and it has a great clean beach is not recommended for families with children in the water, the entrance is steep and the current is very strong
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